Posted tagged ‘Annapurna Base Camps’

The Magnificent Himalayas

October 19, 2016

The Magnificent Himalayas

Breathtakingly dramatic, the awe-inspiring Himalayas pull at the hearts of those with a penchant for adventure, the unknown or the sacred. Stretching through Asia, separating the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan plateau, the range is home to the planet’s highest peaks, whose slopes stretch down into China, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and India.

Besides drawing the outward-bound, the Himalayas are a gateway to the fascinating cultures and histories of these diverse countries – from the palaces and charming old colonial villages of Kashmir to the natural wonders of Nepal, with its lakeside cities and wildlife-packed parks packed with tigers, snow leopards and one-horned rhinos. Soaring over the plains below, the range has enormous significance to the nations that lie in its shadow and foothills, and the Himalayas attract devotees of Hinduism and Buddhism, who consider the peaks and the temples nestled within them sacred.

Begin your pilgrimage into the mystic Himalayas; get in touch at or call +1.646.415.8092 (US) or +66.2260.7584 (Asia) and let us help you scale the heights of adventure.

Nepal – Visit Eight Base Camps by Helicopter
Is there any experience more coveted by adventurous travelers than the thrill of the view from Everest Base Camp? Perhaps only the chance to soar across the Himalayas and stop at the base camps of each of its highest and most stunning peaks can top it. Climb aboard a helicopter from Kathmandu to fly up among the snow-capped peaks of the awe-inspiring Himalayas. Over ten days, gaze across the glacial plateaus from Everest, Kanchenjunga, Lhotse, Cho Oyu, Manaslu, Dhaulagiri, Makalu and Annapurna Base Camps accompanied by an expert mountain sherpa. From the lofty heights of the rocky vantage points, venture down into Nepal’s lush foothills to experience the true extent of her natural wonders. Wander the lakeside markets of scenic Pokhara and explore the jungles and forests of Chitwan on elephant-back on river safari for the rare one-horned rhino, before pausing in the nation’s ancient capital to discover Kathmandu’s historic and sacred wonders.

India’s Heights: Kashmir & The Himalayas
Take an unforgettable journey of discovery through the Himalayas by way of beautiful Kashmir in India. Two weeks take you from the art, culture and buzz of New Delhi, up into the cooler mountain climes and delicate airs of Leh, the capital of the former Himalayan Kingdom of Ladakh, staying at the Ultimate Traveling Camp’s Chamba Camp, Thiksey. Explore museums and monasteries steeped in the history of eras past and cruise by sunset on the lake of Srinagar, also known as the crown jewel of Kashmir, before retiring to the Vivanta by Taj. Lose yourself among the fragrances and delights of floating markets and 17th-century Mughal gardens, and venture into the hills for hiking horseback riding, water-skiing and fishing. Before you ascend back down to Delhi, check into the Oberoi Wildflower Hall and take time to appreciate the colonial architecture and the pine, oak and rhododendron forests of picturesque Shimla.

Tibet: A Spiritual Journey to Mt Everest Base Camp on the Tibet Side
Make your own personal Himalayan pilgrimage on a ten-day spiritual journey through Tibet. Take your time to meditate on the unique treasures in Lhasa and beyond. From your base at the Shangri-La Hotel, explore Potala Palace, the palatial one-time home of the Dalai Lama and Samye – Tibet’s oldest Buddhist monastery – and hike around the holy lake of Yamdrok, framed with soaring mountainous peaks. Follow the Yarlung-Tsangpo River to ancient Shigatse and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime. Crown your Tibetan adventure with a hike to Everest Base Camp, stopping for a blessing at Rongbu – the world’s highest temple. Spend the night in the shadow of the formidable peak and awake early to catch the sun rise over the tallest mountain on the planet. Continue your adventure by driving over the border into Nepal, and fly home from Kathmandu.

The Ultimate Himalayan Adventure China, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and India
There’s a reason they call it a mountain range; with its foothills tumbling down into a wide spectrum of diverse and fascinating cultures from China to Bhutan, it can be impossible to decide which angle to explore the Himalayas from. Instead, discover them all on a 22-day exploration from China to Tibet, through Nepal and Bhutan. Gaze down at the snowy peaks from the air as you fly from Beijing, with its ancient wonders and world-famous Great Wall, to Lhasa with its sacred sites. Uncover the storied old-quarter of fascinating Kathmandu, nestled in the foothills of Shivapuri, Phulchowki, Nagarjun and Chandragiri. Continue to immerse yourself in the beautiful nature of Nepal at Pokhara with its great lake; trek or cycle through the surrounding hills and venture onwards to Chitwan in whose national park endangered elephants and tigers abound. Spend your final week in mystic Bhutan where the peaceful monasteries and dzongs of Thimphu, Gangtey and Punakha await, all easily accessible from your choice of Amankora, Uma by Como lodges, or the Six Senses lodges which open in 2017. Make the climb to the ancient Tiger’s Nest and gaze out over the Himalayan landscape from a truly sacred vantage point.