Posted tagged ‘Tourism’

Personalie – SMS Frankfurt Group Travel

December 5, 2017

Personalie – SMS Frankfurt Group Travel

Jürgen Schreiter, der Firmengründer von SMS Frankfurt Group Travel und gleichzeitig Ihr Guide auf einer Reise, die Sie garantiert nie vergessen werden.

Der Marathonläufer und Extremsportler durchquerte bereits die Wüste Gobi und reiste mehrmals in die entlegensten Gebiete Russlands wie beispielsweise in die Altai-Region, zum Baikalsee, aber auch nach Barnaul, Novosibirsk und Samara. 2012 nahm Jürgen Schreiter an der Allgäu-Orient Charity-Rallye nach Aserbaidschan teil, außerdem führt er regelmäßig die bekannten Run & Visit Touren in Frankfurt durch.

Mit Jürgen Schreiter begleitet Sie ein absoluter Profi, der Sie sicher an ihr Ziel bringt.


Jürgen Schreiter
Extremsportler und Reiseprofi

Seine persönliche Bestleistung im Marathon beträgt 2 Stunden und 55 Minuten. Die 10 KM läuft er in lediglich 36 Minuten.

Fit für die nächste Extremtour mit seinen Kunden ist Jürgen Schreiter allemal. Ganz gleich, ob diese nach Zentralasien führen oder in entlegene Gegenden Russlands: Der Chef von SMS Frankfurt Group Travel ist immer mit dabei und sorgt dafür, dass seine Kunden wieder heil nach Hause kommen.

Sein Unternehmen bietet aber auch sogenannte „High End Tours“ an, beispielsweise mit einer Luxusyacht durchs Mittelmeer. 

Jürgen Schreiter ist vielleicht ein verrückter Typ, der gerne seine persönlichen Grenzen austestet, jedoch plant er alle seine Touren höchst sorgfältig und bereits mehrere Monate im Voraus. 

Planung ist das A und O einer Reise, vor allem, wenn es sich um einen Abenteuerurlaub handelt. Schließlich wollen meine Kunden ihren Trip genießen, ganz gleich, wie extrem er ablaufen soll“, so Jürgen Schreiter zu seiner Überzeugung als Reiseveranstalter und Tour-Guide.

Jürgen Schreiter, Jahrgang 1964, stammt aus Frankfurt am Main und bereiste viele entlegene Gegenden in Russland, Australien, Zentralasien und die meisten Bundesstaaten der USA, unter anderem vielfach Hawaii. Beispielsweise durchquerte er die Wüste Gobi und veranstaltet an einer Survival-Camps in Sibirien an denen er natürlich auch selbst jedes Jahr teilnimmt. 

In seiner Heimatstadt führt er übrigens die inzwischen sehr bekannt gewordenen “Run & VisitTouren durch, eine Mischung aus Sightseeing und Langstreckenlauf für sportliche Geschäftskunden und ebensolche Touristen.

Seit 1989 führt er seine Event und Medien-Agentur SMS Frankfurt, die neben Spezialreisen auch die Produktion von Event-Videos, Imagefilme für Unternehmen erstellt. Außerdem bietet SMS Frankfurt CDs, DVDs und USB-Sticks mit Presseunterlagen für Veranstaltungen an und außergewöhnliche Werbeartikel für Ihre Firma oder Events. Alles abgestimmt auf das Kerngeschäft Reiseveranstaltungen.

Zusätzlich engagiert sich Jürgen Schreiter stark in verschiedenen Charity-Projekten. Dabei unterstützt er neben einem Kinderheim in Wolgograd beispielsweise auch Kindergärten und Schulen auf den Philippinen mit Waren- und Sachspenden.

Weitere Informationen:

SMS Frankfurt Group Travel
Burgfriedenstrasse 17
D-60489 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon +49-69-95 90 97 00
Email Info et

#SMSFrankfurt #SMSFrankfurtGroupTravel #Spezialreisen #Sabbatical #Sportreisen #Personalie #JuergenSchreiter





MICEboard on YouTube

April 7, 2016

MICEboard on YouTubeMICEboard auf YouTube

MICEboard ist der Kanal für Hangout´s on Air und Video-Beiträge über aus der MICE-Branche.

MICEboard wird dieses Jahr auch wieder auf der IMEX in Frankfurt zu finden sein. #IMEX16 Messestand F27

MICE by melody – Branchentreff der Eventindustrie

MICE by melody ist das MICE Networking Event bei dem internationale Anbieter auf Event-Planer aus Deutschland treffen. MICE by melody findet regelmäßig in mehrerer deutschen Städten statt. In einer legeren und exklusiven Networking Atmosphäre treffen sich die Macher und Entscheider der Event-Branche.

Informationen & Inspirationen für Veranstaltungsplaner!
MICEboard ist das Nachrichten Portal für alle, die auf der Suche nach einer besonderen internationalen Destination oder Location sind und Inspirationen für internationale Veranstaltungsplanungen suchen. MICEboard ist das News-Portal für Eventplaner die internationale Veranstaltungen organisieren.

Zur Website:

PeC Kommunikation
Panem et Circenses – Kontor für Kommunikation
Stresemannstrasse 29
22769 Hamburg

E-Mail info {et}
Tel.   +49 (40) 228 680 60

Istanbul CVB commits to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

September 30, 2015

Istanbul CVB commits to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

Istanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau (ICVB), has pledged to observe the principles of the
UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism in Antalya, Turkey on 29 September 2015.

Istanbul CVB joins the growing number of tourism companies and associations to sign a Private Sector Commitment to the UN World Tourism Organization Code of Ethics, pledging to promote and implement the values of responsible and sustainable tourism development as championed by the Code. Mr. Taleb D. Rifai, UNWTO Secretary-General and Mr. Bahadır Yaşık, Vice President of Istanbul CVB signed together during the meeting in Antalya on 29 October.
We, as ICVB, are proud that we have signed the code of ethics. We strongly believe that the tourism and meeting industries plays a very significant role in improving a sustainable future and the signature of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism represents a strong and necessary commitment. We also believe that the Code is the basis for sustainability in tourism and meeting industries and on behalf of ICVB, I would like to thank the UNWTO for giving this opportunity”, said Mr. Bahadır Yaşık, Vice President of ICVB.
The Code is UNWTO’s core policy document and represents a guide for the development of sustainable tourism. Adopted in 1999 by the UNWTO General Assembly and endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2001, it is designed to guide the development of tourism in a way that maximizes the socio-economic benefits of the sector, while minimizing any negative impacts.

#IstanbulCVB #ICVB #UNWTO #GlobalCodeofEthicsforTourism #IstanbulConventionVisitorsBureau

Youtube Marketing – YouTube channel advertising

February 17, 2015

Youtube Marketing – YouTube channel advertising

Reach your global target group with
Meeting planners and decision makers around the globe and upload your own company clip here.
A professional clip can bring your business message directly to your target group. Discover venues, hotels and destinations with business videos and get a preview of the destinations you want to visit.
This is your chance to promote your company or product directly to the global MICE professionals.

- Your video should be in .mov format!

Make sure all copyrights belong to you 
- Do not upload anything for which you do not hold the copyright. (i.e. Pictures, Music etc.)
Please note: Your clip will be reviewed and if accepted will be released within 24-48 hours, after we have received your payment.
Spots that pertains to MICE activities gets preference. Only those with complete contact information will be published. asks that you not upload copyrighted, obscene or any other material which violates! reserves the right to remove any video at any time at our discretion, if your video matches not to our regulations and suggestions.

Your global presence costs 499.00 EUR!
Special price for all new clients NOW ONLY 399.00 EUR.
The listing is unlimited in time!

Video Marketing €399,00 EUR

The best way to see how easy and effective our service can be is to try it!

All payments are verified by PayPal. Sign up and log in to your PayPal account and go to the “Send Money” tab. You can send money to this e-mail: info(at) using your credit card, checking account or funds already in your PayPal account.
If you do not feel comfortable to pay online, we will be happy to invoice you for a bank transfer, we send you the invoice as PDF-file. Let us know which payment way do you prefer. We will publish your announcement after the receipt of your payment.
All online orders are pre-paid orders.
Attention: Your computer’s IP address will be recorded for safety and security reason!
If you should have any questions about our advertising options or news release offers, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Make sure all copyrights belong to you 
- Do not upload anything for which you do not hold the copyright. (i.e. Pictures, Music etc.)
Please note: Your clip will be reviewed and if accepted will be released within 24-48 hours, after we have received your payment.
Spots that pertains to MICE activities gets preference. Only those with complete contact information will be published. asks that you not upload copyrighted, obscene or any other material which violates! reserves the right to remove any video at any time at our discretion.


December 2, 2014


Muscat, December 2nd 2014 – In its latest bid to present itself as the upcoming international venue of choice, the Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre (OCEC) demonstrated its capability to host large-scale global events at the European Incentive Business Travel and Meetings Exhibition (EIBTM) held recently in Barcelona, Spain.

Coming hot on the heels of OCEC’s successful European Roadshow in London, Paris, Geneva and Brussels, EIBTM is one of the foremost global business travel industry gatherings, bringing together approximately 15,000 professionals from the convention and exhibition sector.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, the OCEC team highlighted the versatile appeal of Oman and the Centre to representatives from the educational, healthcare, commerce, industry, agriculture and financial sectors. OCEC’s participation at EIBTM aimed to build relationships and grow business opportunities with industry leaders to expand their knowledge base by meeting face-to-face with more than 30 top-level meeting planners and buyers from the across the globe.

“The energy at EIBTM was nothing short of infectious. It was remarkable to see influential decision makers from across the industry share our enthusiasm about this landmark project, as we presented our strong case as to why OCEC is the international venue of choice and what makes Oman so special,” said Gillian Taylor, Director of Business Development at OCEC.

“These are very exciting times for both OCEC and Oman. Our team continues to grow which brings together some of the finest talent from Oman and other parts of the world to embrace our shared vision. We have 22 events already booked for 2016 that are expected to bring more than 200,000 visitors to the Sultanate in our first year alone, which in itself underscores the potential of OCEC as an international exhibition and congress venue and driver of socio-economic benefits for the country. We aim to continually expand our market reach with the support of the Ministry of Tourism and key industry partners, as we advance on our journey to capture the industry on mass and secure business right through to 2024,” said Ms Taylor.

Muscat is only a seven hour flight from 50% of the world’s population, and OCEC promises to become the foundation for Oman’s emergence as a major force in the convention and exhibition marketplace. The Centre will feature an environmentally-friendly, world-class design, characterised by an elaborate lyric-style tiered auditorium seating 3,200, while the exhibition halls will give an innovative, column-free space of 22,000 square metres which can be sub-divided into five separate halls. Thirteen meeting rooms capable of seating between 80–300 delegates, as well as two Ballrooms, a VIP Pavilion, a shopping mall and a range of internationally branded hotels all culminate to demonstrate the vision that is the Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre precinct.

10 years of the Poland Convention Bureau

February 1, 2012

10 years of The Poland Convention Bureau

The year 2012 is a special year for the Poland Convention Bureau PTO and for many representatives of the industry, as this is the year when we will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the PCB’s establishment. We would like to thank everyone who has been supporting the development of the Polish meetings industry and have participated in the PCB’s activities. This is a good occasion for summarising the undertakings which we succeeded in completing in 2011.

Recommended organizers
Since early 2012 Poland Convention Bureau has granted a further recommendations for professional congress organizers and incentive travel companies. Poland Convention Bureau runs 2 Recommendation Programs for  companies specializing in complex organization and operation of congresses and incentive travel in Poland. Recommendations can get the companies to have relevant experience, technical equipment and qualified staff to enable full implementation of the congress or incentive program.

Personality of the Year titles awarded!
On 20 January 2012 Warsaw’s Pepsi Arena hosted the official presentation of the “MICE Poland Personality of the Year 2011” awards, granted to outstanding figures in the meetings industry in three categories. Just like every year, the MICE Poland Personality of the Year, which is one of this sector’s vital events in Poland, attracted professionals from the whole country.

Wroclaw organizes the World Games 2017
World Games – Olympic Games at non-Olympic sports for the first time in history will be held in Poland. Wroclaw defeated, among others Cape Town and Budapest in the competition to host this event in 2017. World Games is an event which takes place one year after the Summer Olympics, having the task of promoting non-Olympic disciplines and introduce them to the Olympics. Participants will compete for medals in 37 disciplines such as karate, parachuting, archery, gymnastics, sumo, rock climbing, squash, bowling, billiards or dance sports. Interestingly, each of the cities of the organizers may throw in their own unusual discipline .

ITB Berlin 2012: Trendmotor und stabiler Branchentreffpunkt

January 30, 2012

ITB Berlin 2012: Trendmotor und stabiler Branchentreffpunkt

ITB Berlin 2012
7. bis 11. März 2012

Zuwächse aus dem asiatischen und pazifischen Raum – Adventure-Travel, sozial verantwortlicher Tourismus sowie Gay & Lesbian Travel boomen – Travel-Technology-Halle seit Dezember ausgebucht – Deutsche Lufthansa wieder auf der ITB Berlin.

Berlin, 30. Januar 2012 – Der Countdown zur 46. ITB Berlin vom 7. bis 11. März 2012 läuft. Viele Hallen der weltweit größten Reisemesse sind bereits ausgebucht. Insgesamt erwartet die Messeleitung rund 11.000 ausstellende Unternehmen und Organisationen aus über 180 Ländern in den 26 Hallen unter dem Berliner Funkturm. David Ruetz, Leiter der ITB Berlin: „Der stabile Anmeldestand im Vergleich zum Vorjahr bestätigt die ITB Berlin erneut als führende internationale Plattform der Reiseindustrie. Auch wird die ITB Berlin 2012 wieder ihrem Ruf als Impulsgeber der Reisebranche gerecht. Auf der Agenda des ITB Berlin Kongresses stehen hochaktuelle und zukunftsweisende Themen, zu denen international renommierte Experten Rede und Antwort stehen werden, so zum Beispiel zu Kreuzfahrten oder zur touristischen Entwicklung der arabischen Staaten“. Im Fokus steht das Partnerland Ägypten, das die Eröffnungsfeier am Vorabend der ITB Berlin gestalten wird. Während der Messe präsentieren alle Regionen Ägyptens in der Halle 23a den Fachbesuchern und dem privaten Publikum ihre vielfältigen Angebote.

Neue Aussteller und Wiederkehrer zeigen Veränderungen im Reisemarkt
Fernost und Südostasien sind auf der ITB Berlin so präsent wie nie zuvor. Als boomende Region auf der touristischen Landkarte drängt Indonesien verstärkt in den Markt, auch Vietnam ist sehr gut vertreten. China und die Mongolei verzeichnen mit fast zwei Dutzend neuen Ausstellern ein sehr kräftiges Wachstum. Dieser Trend schlägt sich in der komplett ausgebuchten Halle 26 nieder. Ebenfalls voll belegt ist die Halle 5.2a, in der vor allem Anbieter aus Südasien, Australien und der Pazifikregion ausstellen. Indien (Halle 5.2b) vergrößert seine Präsenz um Ausstellungsflächen in Halle 5.2a. Neue Hotels aus Rajasthan und Kerala zeigen ihre Angebote. Auch aus Bhutan ist ein deutlicher Zuwachs an Individualausstellern zu verbuchen. Auf der ITB Berlin engagieren sich Aussteller aus Zentralasien (Halle 7.2b) besonders stark: zum einen durch die Rückkehr von Bangladesh, das 2007 das letzte Mal auf der ITB Berlin vertreten war, und zum anderen durch die steigende Zahl der Individualaussteller aus Usbekistan.

Auch in den Afrika-Hallen 20 und 21 gibt es neue Aussteller und Wiederkehrer. So meldet sich die Republik Côte d´Ivoire auf der ITB Berlin zurück. In Halle 21 ist Tschad nach 1999 wieder anwesend. Die Republik Kongo ist zum ersten Mal auf der ITB Berlin präsent. Algerien, Tunesien, Marokko und Libyen vergrößern ihre Standflächen – Réunion sogar um 50 Prozent.

Eine ganze Reihe neuer Aussteller sind in der Halle 25 zu finden. Die Deutsche Lufthansa zeigt nach mehrjähriger Abwesenheit wieder Flagge. Erstmals dabei sind Kreuzfahrtanbieter wie Passat Kreuzfahrten, TUI-Flussgenuss, Hapag-Loyd und Plantours. Da die Travel-Technology-Hallen ausgebucht sind, ziehen IT-Anbieter wie Tripadvisor, Unister, Mystifly, Air Fast Tickets, Expedia, Travel Guru (Indien), Booking Markets und z-direct in diese Halle ein.

Der Wellness-Boom hält an, das zeigt die vollständig ausgebuchte Halle 16. Am Publikums-Wochenende findet hier ein großes Bühnenprogramm von Beauty 24 statt. Als neue Aussteller in Halle 18 zeigen der Reiseveranstalter More Travel aus Lettland und Chic Outlet Shopping ihre Angebote. Und unter der Marke Holland Classics präsentieren Keukenhof, Floriade World Expo Holland 2012 und zahlreiche weitere Partner typisch holländische Besonderheiten auf einem Stand.

Das Segment Gay & Lesbian Travel wächst aus seiner Nische heraus – eine Entwicklung, die sich am vergrößerten Angebot in Halle 2.1 niederschlägt. Erstmals ist Brasilien mit einem individuellen Stand vertreten, Aussteller aus Griechenland, Mexiko und Portugal feiern dieses Jahr Premiere. Wien lädt im Fachbesucherbereich des Pink Pavilion in ein echtes Wiener Café ein. Auf diesen Wachstumsmarkt setzt auch Dertour und präsentiert seinen frisch aufgelegten Gay- und Lesbian-Katalog.

Ein weiteres Wachstumssegment ist Adventure Travel und sozial verantwortlicher Tourismus. Neben vielen neuen Ausstellern aus Lateinamerika sowie Geoparcs und Organisationen wie Rainforest Alliance, Atmosfair, Myclimate, Ecpat, Tourism Watch, TourCert und The International Eco Tourism Society zieht Grönland als neue Destination in die Halle 4.1 ein. Einer der Höhepunkte auf der ITB Berlin 2012 ist das 30-jährige Jubiläum von RUF Jugendreisen.

Travel Technology gewinnt weiter an Bedeutung
Den anhaltenden Erfolg der Plattform eTravel World im Ausstellungsbereich Travel Technology in Halle 7.1c demonstriert die Zahl der wiederkehrenden Aussteller aus den Bereichen Mobile Travel und Social Media. Der seit Dezember ausgebuchte Ausstellungsbereich spiegelt die wachsende Bedeutung und die Dynamik dieses Segmentes wider. Neue Schwerpunkte setzen Unternehmen aus dem Bereich Social-Review-Management wie Reevoo und Review Pro. Höhepunkte des Bühnenprogramms, das erstmals simultan deutsch-englisch übersetzt wird, sind internationale Paneldiskussionen rund um Reiseblogs am Donnerstag und Freitag der ITB Berlin, 8. und 9. März. Am ITB-Samstag findet ein App-Marathon in Halle 7.1c statt, der Fach-und Privatbesuchern einen Überblick über die Reise-App-Welt gibt. Die ITB Berlin unterstützt auch den Travel App Guide (Herausgeber mvolution, Verlag Alabasta), der zur ITB Berlin 2012 neu aufgelegt wird.

Kompetentes Wissen zum Thema Social Media erhalten Fachbesucher nicht nur in der eTravel World, sondern auch im Rahmen des ITB Berlin Kongresses am Marketing und Distribution Day, Freitag, 9. März, und beim Travel Technology Kongress PhoCusWright@ITB am Mittwoch, 7. März.

Alle Aussteller der ITB Berlin, ihre Kontaktdaten und Angeboten sind unter im Virtual Market Place zu finden. Der Virtual Market Place dient auch als Online-Katalog. Die Daten werden permanent aktualisiert und ergänzt.

Über die ITB Berlin und den ITB Berlin Kongress
Die ITB Berlin 2012 findet von Mittwoch bis Sonntag, 7. bis 11. März, statt. Von Mittwoch bis Freitag ist die ITB Berlin für Fachbesucher geöffnet. Parallel zur Messe läuft der ITB Berlin Kongress von Mittwoch bis Freitag, 7. bis 9. März 2012. Er ist weltweit der größte Fachkongress der Branche. Mehr Informationen sind zu finden unter. Die ITB Berlin ist die führende Messe der weltweiten Reiseindustrie. 2011 stellten 11.163 Unternehmen aus 188 Ländern ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen rund 170.000 Besuchern, darunter 110.791 Fachbesuchern vor.

World Tourism Directory

January 26, 2012

World Tourism Directory
Check out this great World Tourism Directory for Tour Operators, Travel Associations, DMCs, Travel Services and more…

We start for example with Russia:
Russian Toursit Directory

About us | our Service

January 17, 2012

Welcome to MICEmedia-online
The independent Press-/Media-Service for the MICE- and Tourism-Business.
You find us also on Facebook:

Our Service:
We post your MICE-, Touristik- and all related Business-News at our MICEmedia-online Network which is connected to Twitter and Facebook as well as LinkedIN.

Book your Advertisments at

Youtube Marketing – YouTube channel advertising

Reach your global target group with
Meeting planners and decision makers around the globe and upload your own company clip here.
A professional clip can bring your business message directly to your target group. Discover venues, hotels and destinations with business videos and get a preview of the destinations you want to visit.
This is your chance to promote your company or product directly to the global MICE professionals.

 – Your video should be in .mov format!

Make sure all copyrights belong to you 
- Do not upload anything for which you do not hold the copyright. (i.e. Pictures, Music etc.)
Please note: Your clip will be reviewed and if accepted will be released within 24-48 hours, after we have received your payment.
Spots that pertains to MICE activities gets preference. Only those with complete contact information will be published. asks that you not upload copyrighted, obscene or any other material which violates! reserves the right to remove any video at any time at our discretion, if your video matches not to our regulations and suggestions.

Your global presence costs 499.00 EUR!
Special price for all new clients NOW ONLY 399.00 EUR.
The listing is unlimited in time!

Video Marketing €399,00 EUR

Send your video (.mov format) to: info(at)
The best way to see how easy and effective our service can be is to try it!

All payments are verified by PayPal. Sign up and log in to your PayPal account and go to the “Send Money” tab. You can send money to this e-mail: info(at) using your credit card, checking account or funds already in your PayPal account.
If you do not feel comfortable to pay online, we will be happy to invoice you for a bank transfer, we send you the invoice as PDF-file. Let us know which payment way do you prefer. We will publish your announcement after the receipt of your payment.
All online orders are pre-paid orders.
Attention: Your computer’s IP address will be recorded for safety and security reason!
If you should have any questions about our advertising options or news release offers, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Make sure all copyrights belong to you 
- Do not upload anything for which you do not hold the copyright. (i.e. Pictures, Music etc.)
Please note: Your clip will be reviewed and if accepted will be released within 24-48 hours, after we have received your payment.
Spots that pertains to MICE activities gets preference. Only those with complete contact information will be published. asks that you not upload copyrighted, obscene or any other material which violates! reserves the right to remove any video at any time at our discretion.


Domain Marketing – Search Engine entry
Reach your global target group viral and by
Easy access and availbility for all meeting planners and decision makers around the globe. You Domain registration will also be relevant for your Google and other search engines.

Make sure the domain name belongs to you 
- Do not register any domain for which you do not hold the copyright.
Please note: Your website will be reviewed and if accepted will be released within 24-48 hours, after we have received your payment.
Websites that pertains to MICE activities gets preference. Only those with complete contact information will be published. asks that you not upload copyrighted, obscene or any other material which violates! reserves the right to remove any website at any time at our discretion, if your website matches not to our regulations and suggestions.

ONLY 199.00 EUR for lifetime registration!
The listing is unlimited in time!

Domain Entry €199,00 EUR

Send your company website (domain name) to: info(at)
The best way to see how easy and effective our service can be is to try it!

All payments are verified by PayPal. Sign up and log in to your PayPal account and go to the “Send Money” tab. You can send money to this e-mail: info(at) using your credit card, checking account or funds already in your PayPal account.
If you do not feel comfortable to pay online, we will be happy to invoice you for a bank transfer, we send you the invoice as PDF-file. Let us know which payment way do you prefer. We will publish your announcement after the receipt of your payment.
All online orders are pre-paid orders.
Attention: Your computer’s IP address will be recorded for safety and security reason!
If you should have any questions about our advertising options or news release offers, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Make sure all copyrights belong to you 
- Do not upload anything for which you do not hold the copyright. (i.e. Pictures, Music etc.)
Please note: Your clip will be reviewed and if accepted will be released within 24-48 hours, after we have received your payment.
Spots that pertains to MICE activities gets preference. Only those with complete contact information will be published. asks that you not upload copyrighted, obscene or any other material which violates! reserves the right to remove any video at any time at our discretion.


MICEmedia-online Press Services – Publish your Press Release
Build your company, brand or destination via global media presence! offers a multiple marketing and publicity tool that makes it easy to reach your traget group and increase your brand’s search visibility. We publish your latest news specifically in the field of meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions and related services.
Our Press Distribution Service to companies, PR agencies, business journalists, highly qualified travel buyers and executives is a simple and effective way to get maximum response.

We offer you the best and most effective coverage and price/value result thoughout our socialmedia tools and via our daily press releases.
Upload your press releases and photos for distribution and your news can reach hundred thousands of individual journalists, general and trade media outlets, web sites and last but not least, your Google results will improve.
We offer two kinds of Press Release Service.
Option 1 is a single press release unlimited text and up to 3 photos.
Option 2 offers you unlimited press releases. This is valid for 12 month and we send you only one anual invoice.

Option 1: Single Press Release
You send us your latest news and we will place it prominent on MICEmedia-online and our social media channels promote your company to the global MICE business and tourism industry.

Our Special Rate:
We offer this service for ONLY EUR 99,00 per release!
Send your single release news to:
Info(at), subject: ”SINGLE PRESS RELEASE“
We will send your invoice within 24 hours after your order. We publish your announcement after the receipt of your payment.

Single Press Release €99,00 EUR

Option 2: UNLIMITED Press Releases (valid for 12 month)
You send us your latest news and we will place it prominent on MICEmedia-online and our social media channels promote your company to the global MICE business and tourism industry.
Reduce your PR and marketing cost! Our press release distribution reaches thousands of MICE- and travel professionals and hundreds of journalists from all over the.
The UNLIMITED Press Release Service costs only EUR 995,00 anual fee! (billed annually).
We publish your PR news and stories also in all our social media network, like Twitter, Facebook etc.!
This is a very simple but effective way to get maximum response and to reach your target groups!
This service is an ideal PR- and marketing tool for companies which can use it to upload their press releases to We publish your news immediately or at the time and date of your.
Send your “UNLIMITED” order to: info(at)
We will send you a invoice within 24 hours after your order. We publish your announcement after the receipt of your payment.

Our Special Rate:
We offer this service for ONLY EUR 995,00 anual fee for 12 month unlimited press releases!
Send your unlimited release news to:
We will send your invoice within 24 hours after your order. We publish your announcement after the receipt of your payment.

Anual unlimited Press Releases €995,00 EUR

Some more information and formal reasons please be advised of the following:
The news media is not an advertising agency. If your press release reads like an advertisement, it will be rejected. Press releases not relevant to business in the MICE Industry will not be posted! We maintain the right not to publish stories regardless of relevance, should we find them unfit for the general MICE business and tourism audience.
Your media release will be published on
The opportunity for the article to be viewed by millions surfing the web, both in the short term and long term. Increased visibility to Google and other search engines due to our deep linking & search engine optimisation.

Make a secure online payment via PayPal. Once payment is received, the release will be posted online.

Terms & Conditions
All URL in the article make sure the links are travel related / no holding pages permitted & no explicit content allowed and also no private weblinks or mailaddresses to social media accounts like facebook, LinkedIn etc. Excessive use of pricing, deals and offers will not be permitted. The editors decision is final. reserve the right to edit the press release in order to meet our house style. We will do the best to publish editorial breaking news as it happens.

MICEmedia-online Video Channel

Additional we offer also Banner Advertisments – Please contact us for further details.

Please feel free to contact us for additional ahead information and Early Bird advertising prices.
Email: Info (et)