Posted tagged ‘Travel News – MICE’

TAP Voted Best Airline in Europe

January 26, 2012

TAP Voted Best Airline in Europe
The Portuguese national carrier TAP Portugal received the Best Airline in Europe award at the 8th annual gala awards ceremony of the American magazine Global Traveler in Beverly Hills, California.

TAP was among 30 internationally-renowned airlines considered for the award and the vote came about as the result of an annual survey known as the GT Tested Reader Survey which is sponsored by the magazine.
The award is of great significance since it is based on a survey of more than 36,000 frequent flyers and business passengers who are invited to nominate their favourite airlines in the area of travel and tourism.
This year also marks the 8th year of the survey, which is highly valued for the fact that the winners are chosen objectively and impartially by the magazine’s readers, who answered questionnaires printed in the magazine, online, by post or e-mail between 1 January and 31 August 2011.
Global Traveler readers are frequent flyers who rack up an average of 16 international flights and 16 domestic flights per year.
In addition to this prestigious award, TAP Portugal received more recognition that night from another competition sponsored by the same publication, the 2011 GT Wines on the Wing, where TAP won the prize for Best Red Wine Served in International Business Class.